Posts Tagged ‘you’re’

Find a goth if you’re in trouble…

submitted by /u/DrivingGoddess
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Reddit’s Goth Community

When do you know you’re not a baby bat anymore ?

Just wondering

submitted by /u/Ok-Advertising-6093
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Reddit’s Goth Community

Albums/songs you’re on the fence about?

I do enjoy how melodramatic Nosferatu is, but sometimes it just doesn’t work for me. I can’t really decide if I love it or hate it. Also the production/mixing really drags.

submitted by /u/Chef_Boyard33
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Reddit’s Goth Community

Does anyone still get criticized and get called a “poser” even though you’re goth like doing everything that’s apart of the subculture etc?

I go through this sometimes. I listen to the music, participate in everything that’s with the subculture/community, etc. I usually get called a poser at school because I listen to J-goth and other random reasons. but I listen to all the goth classics. Sometimes I think these things happen more often ever since the term “tik tok goth police” became a thing. Just a random thought. What are your thoughts and comments about this? (Hopefully this entire thing I type doesn’t confuse anyone I barely post on here)

submitted by /u/444_ht1l1l
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Reddit’s Goth Community

You’re Cruel-Charlotte’s Shadow

submitted by /u/shellthrowrocksatme
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Reddit’s Goth Community

What are your favorite goth songs for when you’re feeling down?

It doesn't need to be uplifting. But maybe just really catchy, or soothing, or sad in a way that you commiserate with. Mood-congruent is fine. What entertains you, or validates you, or is just really entertaining and pleasurable to listen to?

Bonus points if the song(s) you recommend are more recent, released after 2010 or so. I've semi-recently returned to goth after a LONG absence, so newer music is particularly welcome.

But old school is fine too!

Thank you so much! 🖤

submitted by /u/magicfeistybitcoin
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Reddit’s Goth Community

You’re the DJ at your local goth club for a night, what songs are going immediately on the playlist?

Pain is a must, then I’d go for Amphetamine Logic by Sisters and Nocturne by Paralysed Age

submitted by /u/busydonatella
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Reddit’s Goth Community

Which of your local goth bands deserve a wider audience? (Musicians: you’re free to promote your own band.)

Whatever local means to you: your hometown, your state, or your country. It's fine to provide a link to your own material. Just keep it goth. Thanks in advance. 🖤

submitted by /u/magicfeistybitcoin
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Reddit’s Goth Community

The Cure is coming, you’re teasing your hair up. What is your go to method to prep the perfect batsnest?

submitted by /u/Batty_briefs
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Reddit’s Goth Community

Songs for when you’re sad and want to get even sadder?

That or breakup songs. Looking for new recommendations for a playlist

submitted by /u/leylalala1
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Reddit’s Goth Community